Category: Crafties
Holiday Wreaths
For over 10 years, I have been creating wreaths each December. Enjoy this look back!
Thank you gifts
Quince’s pre-school teachers have meant so much to us. I can’t say enough good things about Little Rhythms Learning Center.
Corned Beef Fest
We at the Chanway household love corned beef. Lucky for us, we live next door to a family who also loves this dish. This year we decided to make two and host a large dinner with friends.
Holidays have arrived
The post about our ten days in Hong Kong will arrive another day. To tie you over while waiting, here are the holiday wreaths and small table decorations I made this year.
Miniature Gardening
I’m sure you have seen them popping up in gardening stores, all over Pinterest or Facebook, often called fairy gardens: garden worlds created in miniature scale. I feel this remake has officially broken into that territory.
Wedding gifts
Having just learned a new multi-media technique from my friend Grace, I decided to put my new found skills to the test by making luggage tags to include with the wedding card for my brother-in-law and his wife.
Wine jelled + crackers
This year for the holidays I decided to try a new jelly. Earlier in the year I was disheartened to learn that my batch of apple butter had spoiled. We could no longer use it as gifts and I needed something to replace it.