Category: The blog
A Sourdough Journey
Sourdough happens to be our favorite bread type. When it finally became hard to find my favorite bakery’s fresh loaf, coupled with again seeing a friend’s amazing pictures I couldn’t stand it anymore. On May 9th I decided to finally embark on my own sourdough starter journey. Since the start of Covid-19 lockdown in March,…
Happy Christmas!
I hope the holidays have snuck up on you less than me. Edwin has spent the last week quite sick, causing us to miss out on a dinner party, ice skating with Quince(twice) and making it very hard to finish up buying/wrapping gifts. All of that aside, we had a nice Christmas with my siblings.…
Falling into Routine
We have school, music stuff, PTO stuff, homework, Cub Scouts, dishes to wash, meals to make and course sleep to catch up on.
Snowpocalypse 2019
I’m confident this snow storm will replace the storm of 1996 as large and disruptive. We were fairly stuck inside the house for about 7 days. While Calypso does fine in the snow, the alley was so horrible we didn’t want to leave for fear we wouldn’t make it back in. Things kicked off on…
New Year, same me
Everywhere people are saying New Year, New You What I’ve learned is no, it’s not that at all. I’m still working on the same goals I was last year. Slot making progress on them. The world doesn’t change just because the calendar year since it’s different. I still use the same blood pressure medication and…
1/2 Year update, part 2
Tomorrow our baby turns 1 year old. It’s wild to think that a year has gone by already. I suppose it’s time I stop hoping he’ll be a good baby while I work and count my lucky stars that for the most part he is happy and has been quite good.
Edwin’s 1/2 year
I present the first ever edition of Edwin’s favorites. Much like the ones I publish each 1/2 year for Quince, only this version I have recorded each month thus far as Edwin changes so quickly. Here’s a summary of his first 6 months. Each picture also includes his favorite items at that time. (in the above…
Year End Review
I can confidently say that 2017 was a year of many faces. It is hard to define the year into just a few words.
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