Otherwise known as an update about the last couple weeks. 😉
Week one–
Our first week home has gone off quite nicely. Richard caught a picture of Quince and I crashed out in the chair the weekend we got home and posted it on facebook, using my phone. Visitors for that week included just about everyone over Memorial day weekend. Cecile stopped by for a bit on Sunday after some time in Quilcene. As did Chris, Liz, Alicia, Mike and Eli had previously made plans to visit the Olympic Game Farm to say hi and see Quince. My dad was here Sunday and Monday. It was the first time my dad meet Quince since it’s a bit a hard to get over to Seattle from Victoria. Quince is continuing to be great about taking his medicine(we add a bit of breast milk with it in a bottle). During the night we usually get up two times, once around 2 am and again anywhere from 4 am to 6 am. He’s also starting to wake up on his own at night and cry even! Something I’m sure his neurologist would be thrilled about(the lack of crying is part of what kept us at Swedish that last week). During the day he feeds more often and is sometimes awake for an hour or so. He’s quite good at holding up his head on his own, likes the moby wrap/swaddling, seems to enjoy “tummy time” and he’s fallen asleep during it a couple times. He can also move his head from side to side when on his stomach too! The morning of the 8th, Richard and I woke up to him chatting, which is a first! Quince and I went to the Children’s Clinic for a follow up. He also required a blood draw, so we walked over to the hospital lab. After all the blood draws he had done at Swedish you would think he would be used to them, however, this one was not ok at all. He cried so much that as soon as I picked him up afterwards he fell right to sleep. The rest of that day was spent in a state of nap-ness for him.

During our 2nd week home–
Quince is a month old! It seems crazy since we only just left the hospital but the calendar says that a month as passed. Over the weekend we visited with Great-grandparents and introduced them to Quince. It was fun. Generally, we don’t have to hold his head much anymore, just a little bit as he isn’t completely steady yet. Just about every day, we discuss that “mommy doesn’t like barf”. I’m sorry, I know babies throw up, but it doesn’t make it any better when I’m wearing it. He’s started smiling a little while awake. He also started this new thing where he doesn’t want to sleep in his crib during the day for longer than about 10 mins. It really brings a challenge to my getting laundry done or trying to eat lunch. Uncle Ben also stopped by for a visit while he was in town. For Theresa, we did a picture of him about to feed Quince. 🙂 We also went out and did more visiting this week. Our first stop was the coffee shop to see Laura. By chance Joy stopped in and we were able to say hi to her as well. We also ran into Tanya and Janet, along with a few regulars while we were there. After that we went down to the stationers. Everyone there was thrilled to see him and all wanted turns holding him. 🙂
3rd week–
We had farther proof that Quince is a rockstar about being in the car. With his first SRS meeting with Richard. He has a moment or two, usually at the end of the journey, when he decides that he’s hungry or tired of sitting and cries but otherwise is great about being in the car! Being that we drive so much, that is really great. We made sure he was in all his geeky clothing for the meeting. One night, Richard showed me that Quince will actually smile when he sees me. Since I’m home with him all day, I wasn’t sure if he was smiling because he saw me, gas or whatever else causes a small baby to smile. As in the picture, he’s doing ever better at holding up his head now! He can now sit in his bumbo chair. It’s a bit big for him and he has a tenancy to slide to one side or the other for a whole body tilt. We have also discovered that Quince likes swing/ska music, he gets a big smile on his face when we play it and he likes to dance with us.
Week Four —
He’s still doing great sleeping at night and only waking up once after he is given is 10 pm medicine. Richard and I met with the Birth to 3 program instructors and therapists to get started with that in July. It’s ran through the school district so things will be low-key until Sept. However, based on the assessment they do, he is right on track with what they expect a 6 week old to be able to do. They also let us borrow this space-ship looking swing, Quince likes it once and awhile so far. He also hasn’t been content to sleep in his crib during the day(something he started with last week), which turns me into a pillow. I’ve come up with creative ways for him to sleep that doesn’t prevent me from doing anything; like using the boppy. 🙂 That pillow is really great. Quince has been talking a bit more while he’s awake and still is doing well with “tummy time”. He seems to be getting stronger every day. On Sunday, we went to our first Sequim City Band concert to watch Richard play. The weather wasn’t the most ideal, it was overcast it didn’t rain like they said it might. Quince was a great baby through the whole thing and even fell asleep about half way through.
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