After all these trips to Seattle, including parking around the town or across the water and taking the ferry the car was broken into. We were parked in University Village and someone smashed in the left passenger window. Luckily the car seat was in the center and didn’t get glass in it at all. We quickly realized that along with the broken window we were going to have to replace was also Richard’s backpack with camera, flash and all the lenses we own for it. We’re really happy they didn’t take time to actually look through his bag as Richard forgot he dropped his set of keys in there. Had they checked, they could have just driven away in our car. It was clearly a grab and go as the driver’s window of the car next to us was also broken and they had items stolen as well.
Richard and I have renter’s insurance so they will cover the replacement of what was stolen. We’re not yet sure how much as we are still in the filing stage of our claim. Richard has spending a lot of time looking up the lenses and how much they cost, when he bought them and if he can still get them today. Needless to say, it was a $500 plus venture we didn’t plan on. The total is split between the cost to replace the window and the lost keys.
Here’s pictures:

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