
Adventures & ramblings



So, downtown Port Angeles on lovely First street comes a line from Lincoln theater. Ok, it’s been raining for over 24 hours and about 44 degrees out. Really??! Twilight fans..*sigh* I took this on my break from work when I decided that I need to go over to Itty Bitty buzz for a latte from Lau, who also happens to be my favorite barista. 😀

DressatBDB_02On a completely different note, this is my wedding dress in the window of the store I bought it from 🙂 I told Belva that she could use it in a display if she wanted too. And here it is for her holiday window! We gave her an 8×10 picture of us from our wedding which is next to the dress but you can’t see it from the angle I’m taking the picture from.