We spent yesterday combing the beach for sea glass. Quince and I together with our friends Nikki, Olivia, Sarah, and Harper drove out to Seiku/Clallam Bay area.
Sarah was talking of a beach spot she loves to check for sea glass. She collects it for no other reason than to enjoy it. Weather was sunny with a slight breeze off the water. It was a prefect day to be out there.

One of the things to make this beach so great is we were only one of 3 groups to be on it. Also the largest group. With few numbers, that means we could really let Harper and Quince run up and down without hovering. They general stayed close, but a few times Quince went back our picnic set up for some water or to rest. The other cool factor was how there was no sand. I know sandy beaches are the ideal, however without sand it’s hard to get it everywhere. Instead the beach is covered with tiny round or oval shaped rocks. I will say they felt really great to sit on. Think of a hot stone massage and that’s about how our conditions were.
Best find of the day is a perfectly dried out starfish, coral red in color.
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