Since I liked the idea of the one I made for Quince so much, I decided to make two more for two friends who are also pregnant. One of them just had their baby girl a couple weeks ago, while the other is due in the beginning of April(also with a girl). Here’s how the two turned out. 🙂 I used the same backing fabric, but they got different top fabrics and small touches. It was also my first time working with blanket binding, which I like and don’t like at the same time. On the both blankets
Outdoor blanket for Addison.
I used a windbreaker fabric for one side and a flannel for the opposite side. They are not very thick, however the idea is to have a blanket to lay on the ground so baby and their stuff doesn’t get wet. It’s easy to add more blankets to keep them warm or pad them with. Since they are super thin, I think they are far packable then the one I did for Quince(which is super thick). I also made these two smaller, again to make them more portable. Working with the two fabrics was a bit of a challenge since they kept slipping on each other. It just meant I had to sew slower to keep from slipping too much. Size wise, the first blanket is a bit larger than the 2nd one. That was completely on accident, when originally ordering the fabric cuts I miscounted. Naturally, I didn’t notice until I got home and laid it all out to match up.
Detail of the edge.
On the first blanket pictured I choose not to use a blanket binding but decorated the edge stitching with a heart design. Surprisingly it wasn’t any harder than doing a zigzag stitch and really dresses up the edge of the blanket up a lot. For being only the 2nd blanket I’ve ever made, I was pretty happy with it. I hope that Addison’s mom likes it. 🙂
For my 3rd blanket, I used a plain zigzag stitch as I couldn’t decide on a decorative one to use. I tried a couple out on sample pieces but just wasn’t happy with how they looked(including the cute hearts). I found that the plain zigzag looked the best. And in the finished product, it doesn’t need the extra decoration since the binding helps provide that. Being the very first experience using binder, I had to enlist help from Kami on how to do the corners. She tried to explain it to me over the phone, which worked until we got to the final corner. At that point I got completely lost in her instructions.
Outdoor blanket for Pam's daughter Iris.
That forced me to put finishing the blanket on hold. The following weekend I then packed stuff up and took myself to Seattle where I spent a night with Kami. She then showed me how to get a nice corner at the very end. Upon returning home, I finished this up. You’ll notice I added a loop on the end. That wasn’t in the original plan, however I cut the end too short making the corner not fold completely together. I choose to fix this new hole I made by covering it up. 🙂
Overall, I like how it turned out. The loop even provides a functional “quick grab” for the blanket or let’s you attach it to something easily. I was lucky I happen to have a nice ribbon which almost exactly matches one of the colors on the flannel side of the blanket. Yay!
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