We have school, music stuff, PTO stuff, homework, Cub Scouts, dishes to wash, meals to make and course sleep to catch up on.
The last time I posted was in the Spring and it was only a photo montage of clips of our life at that moment. Since that time, we have celebrated Q’s 8th birthday, Edwin has learned to scale most vertical structures in the house as well as Summer has come and gone.
How was our Summer you ask? It was full! Q attended Summer school for the first time. While he really loved the afternoon program, he was mixed on the learning portion overall. I think he did put in effort as he liked the teacher he had. As I found out towards the end, he was one of her best students. I feel that closing bit of pride really carried over into the start of the new school year for him. We have started grade 3 really well: he likes his teacher, has been having fun at recess, and finally eating lunch during lunch. I believe this last one is part of what makes the difference. Enjoy the following Summer summary!
Quince finished 2nd Grade. If I had to describe the school year in a few words I would say it was a roller coaster. With more downs than ups. I’m glad we had offsets such as the Kids Marathon, Soccer and the Cub Scout overnight on the US Navy Turner Joy to distract from how hard school was and that Richard was gone at the end of May and into June. In fact, he returned home after having his return flight scrambled to meet us in Bremerton to drop Quince off.
Last day of school First piano lesson US Navy Turner Joy
We kept moving all month long. Richard and I were part of the PAHS Alumni Marching Band, which also placed 2nd in the 4th of July Parade. The money earned from those who participated went to the Band Boosters as a donation for scholarships.
There was the Cub Scout pack picnic, Quince started piano lessons, Edwin learned to climb new heights and got a new big boy car seat!
PAHS Alumni Marching Band First time we have played together Happy 4th of July Edwin’s new seat! Typical day with Edwin Whiskey tasting at the 4th party
Quince got his crabbing license, we went blueberry picking, got Quince a loft bed, Edwin started more intensive potty training and to close the month we went to the fair and hosted my sister, brother in law and their daughters for two weeks. I also helped to put in a successful Chamber music festival together with two friends.
Quince and his crab license Blueberry picking All 4 kids at the Sequim City Band concert The team behind Music on the Strait Our sweet poster Quince and his cousins hanging out
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