While this title may lend one to believe we are adding to the house or we did some awesome gardening, that is only partly true.
We did spent Earth Day- well, weekend really, cleaning up our piece of the earth. Our extra large Butterfly bush is now no longer threatening to attack the neighbor’s house. Quite possibly the largest difference is the giant Holly bush in the front yard. It runs along our western border. Combined efforts from Richard and Steve trimmed the top and all sides of the bush. The end result is tidier, no weird branches growing from the top, you can now see the corner of our house, and we’re told the Phillips living room is getting a lot more light now.
Probably the largest change to our household is the very unexpected, new addition. Due date is November 14th. Quince’s initial reaction upon learning there would be a new baby was almost enough to rid us of the shock.

We waited until after the dating ultrasound to announce to the greater public. Having miscarried in the past, we wanted to make sure things were good beforehand. Those ultrasounds have come a long way even seen we were pregnant with Quince. You could even make out limb stubs and see the heart moving. Science and technology are cool!

To announce the new arrival I posted this photo on social media with the comment of #needanewhashtag and said nothing else. Some got it right away, while others took a couple days.

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