Between life, work, and everything else. Is there really such a thing or are we always rushing around trying to create time which doesn’t exist?
As you may not know, I am now working. It’s really exciting, I’m enjoying myself and learning things. Bonus is that I’m learning about WordPress, the very platform I’ve been using for my own website for many years now! I’m very pleased to say I’m part of the support team at Avelient, Inc. Extra bonus is that I get to work from home. These guys took a chance on me and I am SO thankful for that. Job prospects that are flexible enough to work with the school district schedule are hard to come by(unless you work for the district).

I set myself up with a home office with my only major complaint being that my chair sucks. I’m pretty sure I will look into a standing desk early next year though. I tend to wiggle a lot and it’s hard to do that in a chair. The desk itself is on loan from Nikki. While not my style, I do love all the drawers it has!
Going between work and life wasn’t all that challenging until Richard left for Hong Kong and Taiwan. Even then the shit really didn’t hit the fan until I got sick earlier this week. Quince, now really missing his daddy and bored with mama being sick, has started to act uncharacteristically. Because I have been sick, it also means my patience with him has lessened. It’s unfair, I know, but I try to apologize when I feel it is necessary and explain the actions/causes. Are we suffering more outbursts than last week, oh hell yeah. Our week has not panned out like I had originally mapped out. We were going to cook together, build lego and read stories. Instead, we have lazied around, watched movies and barely chatted.
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