It’s the eve of Quince’s 7th birthday and I find myself with mixed emotions. Warning, this post may ramble and is mostly in the style of an open letter.
Generally, you are a kind young boy with glimmers of curiosity and developing moments of defiance. You dream big, have undefined borders and at times have little concept of money. What do I mean you wonder?
- Dream big: depending on the day Quince goes between how he is going to live in space to being an engineer like Richard to a helicopter pilot in the Coast Guard.
- Undefined borders: I largely contribute this to being a product a blended family on many levels. Not only are we multiracial, part Chinese, but also multinational, USA and Canadian. If those weren’t enough, you are also lucky enough to attend an elementary school which has decided to embrace the local Native culture including their teachings, stories, and language throughout the school.
- I feel like this last one, little concept of money, goes with the territory of growing up. I have met few children who do have a good understanding of money at age 7. It is worth mentioning as it comes up in our house often as Quince seems to deem many items as being $100. From a latte to Lego set, either one and all things in-between could be $100.
Most of the time, I can’t wait to see what kind of person you will grow up to be and look forward to you experiencing new things. I have never longed for the days when you were some younger age as many parents do as their children get older. Maybe I’m weird for not having that sense of nostalgia, however, I feel there are so many cool things to experience many of which can’t be achieved until you have a sense of the world and others. Your love of space and all things NASA are one of those things.
Viewing the solar eclipse. AWESOME.
It was so awesome to watch the first flight of Space X Falcon Heavy rocket with you. Afterwards you went and started building a rocket out of Lego and wanted to discuss future rocket launch ideas. The fascination you have for the Saturn V rocket, the people who built it and how it was made has endured this year with multiple requests to watch the documentary on YouTube.
Speaking of Lego, over the course of this past year, your building has changed from mostly set building to branching out designing your own items. Although, at time a point of frustration for you generally you can think it through once you have planned it out. Something you simply couldn’t do a couple years ago. I enjoy seeing the items you have designed. My favorite, thus far is the soccer field and scoreboard. You built this all on your own when I fell asleep on the couch one afternoon at the end of my pregnancy with Edwin. It’s well thought out, including cameras and coaches.

While sometimes I feel as though I am arguing with myself. You are your own unique blend of myself and Richard.
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