It’s been awhile since I posted anything. Richard was not asked go to Hong Kong this year and usually I’m rather happy about it as he can bring me back goodies and annoyed as I want to go too, this year I only feel glad because two weeks without him while we have a 5 month old would be rather challenging. I will also say that it is a bit weird to have Richard spend his birthday at home without having to pack or be already gone.
Quince is doing really well these days. As of this date he is still on medication and there are no plans on starting the process to wean him off of it. Our next neurologist appointment is on Halloween, early in the morning. One of our nurses asked if I was going to dress him up as something when I bring him into the office. I very well may, although I’m not sure what as it needs to be something that’s easy to travel in. It’s going to be a fun weekend though as I’ll be going over early to help my sister(due with a baby in Feb) pick out some things for her nursery.
[singlepic id=28 w=320 h=240 float=center]Quince is now sitting up on his own! He just started last week with a more straight back, and about 3 weeks ago at an angle. When he gets excited he tends to fall backwards so we need to keep the boppy behind him. I think he is also now figuring out he can move while sitting. Again, when he gets excited he kicks his legs and wiggles. Occasionally, he can move himself an inch or two either backwards or rotation. This has opened up a whole new world for us! We went grocery shopping a few days ago and he sat in the grocery cart. As they are very new things he’s still really excited and wears himself out quickly. In the grocery store he loved looking around things and would then return his eyes to me and smile. It was a lot of fun!

We have also started giving him some real foods. I can’t say for sure that his digestive troubles are a result of that or something I ate, but we are taking it slow. He does really like getting real food though. Now he watches us closely while we eat and expects/wants to eat as well. Thus far he’s had rice cereal, applesauce and prunes mixed with rice cereal. I’m very excited about it. it could be due to the fact that I love food and this is the beginning of being able to share that with him. He’s such a big kid now! The picture to the right is from the 2nd time he had rice cereal. Our table is at a great height for putting him in the bumbo chair on top of it. He gets a great view of the kitchen that way. It also makes it easy to feed him. 🙂 No worries everyone, when I’m actually doing things in the kitchen we use the “kitchen home base”. Which is a couple blankets on the floor for him to sit or lay on. Trying to teach him young about the importance of good food!
How is he doing with rolling, you wonder? Still getting stuck on an arm occasionally; imagine that, you can’t roll with your arm sticking straight out. At least right now, he doesn’t favor a side. He really wants to move on his own, and because of that I think he will sooner than later.
One response to “5 months!”
Hi Amanda! I just found this blogsite on my favorites index. A very cute picture of Quince!!!! Just had to say that. Grandad is offering his lobster crown for Quince to wear for halloween. It is an adjustable furry hat that looks like a lobster head with claws sticking up. Also looks a little like a red reindeer to me.