What a weekend indeed! Quince and I started out our Saturday morning with a 5k walk along Ediz Hook for the Freya Hope Memorial Run. Laura and I finished the walk in just over 50 mins! Not too bad at all. Quince fell asleep shortly after we got started and remained sleeping until the very end. He woke up just in time for our “we finished” photo. 😀 A few days after the run Danica told me they raised an amazing $4000 and had over 150 people join in. Congrats to Danica, her family and everyone who worked to put it together. We can’t wait for next year!
After a great walk we headed home and finished packing up the car with our gear to meet Richard in Quilcene for the annual Legault/Greenway 4th of July party. Having left the day before, Richard already had our tent area cleaned up and the tent set with his stuff and mine. There was a few people there when we arrived, but most everyone else weren’t far behind us. The weather was overcast and cooler than last year. Really helpful as it wasn’t too hot down on the beach. Quince seemed to have a lot of fun on the beach, he watched the other
kids but wasn’t too into actually trying to play with them. Richard did get great some photos where it looks like him and Eli are having quite the conversation; they will just grab a couple beers and chat before we know it! This year Quince got a special treat by way of enjoying his first smore. What a hit! While he was a bit unsure of the sticky marshmallow goo left on his fingers, you wouldn’t have guessed it by his enthusiasm to eat more. Another food hit for him was the quinoa salad(I also really liked it as well). 🙂
Unlike the previous year, we didn’t have to go up to the house when the fireworks went off. While I was a little worried about the noise waking and scaring him, that wasn’t the case. We sat together in the tent and he was ok with it as long as I sang and held him. When the boom would sound, occasionally he would shake. I did feel bad for him as he didn’t want to be awake at all, however the noise was keeping him up. I heard afterwards that I missed a bunch of excitement while they were lighting them off. I know from listening that a few were a little close, but had no idea that Kevin and Paul dogged getting hit by one. Wow!
As always it was great to see everyone and get a chance to check up. Until next year’s party!
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