Quince is now 3 months old and wow, have these last two months flown by! Over the course of these last couple months we have come up with a couple different nicknames for Quince. Most often he is called Qwiggles, sometimes Barf Master Q or just plain Q while typing. He is now 12 pounds, 8 ounces and 24 inches long. We are much more adjusted to an overall schedule in the house. We’re lucky as Quince started sleeping through the night at 2 months. Most recently Quince and I have been going on a morning walk along the waterfront trail, followed by coffee at Itty Bitty. While he’s there he gets to visit with his “coffee grandmas” Janet and Tanya. When we’re lucky we even chat with Laura! Lately she’s been quite busy. I find the trips out invaluable to help keep away the crazies from being at home all the time.
Just yesterday, Quince had an EEG and neurologist appointment. Both went great! He didn’t like having the leads for the EEG put on crying quite a bit. So much so I think he was making the tech nervous. Once he was all hooked up I sat with him, he quickly fell asleep for it. In good textbook EEG fashion, we were then able to wake him up and have him be happy baby at the very end. That is, until she removed the leads. Instead of full out crying as he done before, he just complained loudly. From there it was to his neurologist appointment. It was nothing but good news there! His EEG showed up to be greatly improved over his previous one, although still showing a few discharges. However, it was good enough that his doctor feels comfortable enough to discontinue use of keppra, she said for us to stop giving him the pm dose right starting yesterday and for one more week he is taking the am dose only, at the end we stop all together. Woot!! Also, she decided to not up his phenobarb level, even though has gotten larger. She’s not requesting a blood draw to check his levels either. In Oct, we have our next appointment with her and she’s looking to cut down phenobarb at that time. Yay!! We are very excited. She continues to believe that in the long term there will be no problems.

He is starting to roll more often on his own from his stomach to his back, from both the right and left sides. Since we visited the PEDS clinic at Swedish we have been working on both flexing and bring his arms to the center while on his back. I can say now, the work with his arms is now starting to really pay off. Each days he discovers them more. Flexing his legs is still being worked on, however he is very slowly getting better with it. Typically I read to him every day, however the last couple weeks I have really slacked off on that. We are still continuing to attend the drop in baby group on Tuesdays and Thursday and now are joined by Carrie and Addy! One of those days, Carrie joins us for dinner here at the house. I think this is a great time for both of us. Also good for the babies.
I finally finished his new stroller blanket, aside from a couple things I’m really happy with how it turned out. The fabric I used is a furry blue, and two cottons, dinosaurs and stars. All easy to wash. Because I’m using it on his stroller, I put ribbon tabs in the 4 corners with the hope of that helping to attach it. In the world of other crafts, I’ve been working steadily on his scrapbook. It’s coming along nicely and I think when he gets much older he’ll enjoy that I did it. Especially since his baby book doesn’t offer enough space for everything that happened or enough room for the extra stuff.
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